Welcome to my blog. I'm a homeschooling mother of two girls.
For us, homeschooling is a wild and crazy ride some days, hence the name of my
blog. I truly believe that homeschooling is what is best for my girls, but that
does not mean it is easy. Some days/weeks/months are a roller coaster and only
willpower and some luck get us through it. I'm going on my fifth year
homeschooling and my girls are entering fourth and eighth grades this coming
school year. It took me this long to feel comfortable thinking I would have the
time to devote to blogging about what our ride is like. We will be starting
back up full time homeschooling on the day after Labor Day so I am deeply into
last minute preparations. I will be posting more here as we get into the school
year. I hope we can all learn from each other.